Committee on Development and Fundraising Charge
13.14 Committee on Development and Fundraising (En 17 May 19)
13.14.1 There are at least six Santa Cruz Division members that include a representative from each of the academic divisions (Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Physical and Biological Sciences) and the School of Engineering. A representative provost from the Council of Provosts. The Vice Chancellor of University Relations (VCUR) and the Associate Vice Chancellor of Development (AVCD) are invited to sit with the Committee. (Am 1 Jun 20, 30 Nov 22)
13.14.2 The Committee serves as a point of interface between the Academic Senate and the Administration to promote faculty engagement in campus fundraising and development as well as to collaborate with University Relations in those efforts. The Committee also consults regularly with the Vice Chancellor for Research.
13.14.3 The Committee advises the Chancellor, Campus Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor, VCUR, and AVCD on priorities, policies and strategies related to fundraising and development. (Am 30 Nov 22)
13.14.4 The Committee aims to increase access to University Relations for all faculty members but does not advocate for individual research groups or campus initiatives. (En 30 Nov 22)