Chapter 3. Membership

3.1 Membership in the Santa Cruz Division includes the President of the University, ex officio, the Chancellor at Santa Cruz, all members of the Academic Senate whose headquarters are at Santa Cruz, and any other persons certified for membership by the Secretary of the Division in accordance with the policies of the Assembly. 

3.2 Members of the Academic Senate temporarily assigned to the Santa Cruz campus may transfer their voting privilege to the Santa Cruz Division during their assignment by certifying the facts to the Divisional Secretary. Academic Senate members holding statewide appointments only and not enrolled in another Division may enroll in the Santa Cruz Division upon reporting this choice to the Divisional Secretary. (CC 31 Aug 98; EC 1 Aug 76)

3.3 Membership and voting privilege do not lapse because of leave of absence or transfer to emeritus status. Instructors with less than two years of service may not vote in meetings of the Division and its Faculties, or in mail ballots. [RSO 105.1] faculty members holding "visiting" appointments may attend meetings of the Santa Cruz Division, but may not vote. Members of other Divisions may attend meetings of this Division with the privilege of the floor, and may make motions, but may not second motions or vote. (CC 1 Sept 70, 31 Aug 98; EC 31 Aug 06)

3.4.1 The following students of the Santa Cruz campus may attend meetings of the Santa Cruz Division and shall have the privilege of the floor, but may not make or second motions, and may not vote: the Chair of the Student Union Assembly; the President of the Graduate Student Association; one student delegate from each college (the method of selection of the delegate from a college to be determined by the students of that college); and up to four students per committee from those students who are appointed to sit regularly with Divisional committees appointed by the Committee on Committees. (En 30 Apr 69 EI; Am 3 Dec 69, 22 Oct 75, 18 Feb 98 EI, 30 May 07; CC 4 Aug 87, 31 Aug 98, 31 Aug 06)

3.4.2 Non-senate faculty members of the Santa Cruz campus who are appointed as representatives to Divisional committees appointed by the Committee on Committees may attend meetings of the Santa Cruz Division and shall have the privilege of the floor, but may not make or second motions, and may not vote. (En 30 May 07) 3.5 Should a subject of debate be such, in the opinion of the Chair of the Santa Cruz Division or other presiding officer, as to necessitate closed Divisional consideration, the Chair or other presiding officer may so rule. After non-Senate members have left, the ruling of the Chair may be appealed. (En 30 Apr 69 EI; CC 31 Aug 98, 31 Aug 99)