Graduate Council

The Graduate Council (GC) coordinates all academic policies and procedures at UCSC which bear on the conferring of higher degrees. In addition to reviewing proposals for new graduate programs and designated emphases, GC consults on block allocations for graduate support. The committee also coordinates graduate course approvals, academic appeals, and any changes to graduate degree requirements. Recent issues for GC include changes to graduate grading policies and the development of guidelines for Professional and Self-Supporting degree programs. GC meets every other week.

GC Charge
GC Meeting Dates 2024-25
GC Reports and Presentations
GC Minutes and Agendas
Committee Membership

GC Consultation Procedures

Related Links:

Delegation Policy
Policies and Memoranda
UCSC Division of Graduate Studies
UC Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs


Teaching Requests:

Contact GC

Analyst Contact

Jackie Schultz, (831) 459-1317