Cross Cultural Analysis

Cross-Cultural Analysis (CC) 


One five-credit course or equivalent.

GE Description

Courses that carry the CC GE designation aim to prepare students for a globalizing world, with increased interaction and integration among peoples, economies, and governments. These courses aim to encourage a broader and deeper understanding of cultures and societies outside the United States. Such courses might provide an in-depth examination of one culture, or one aspect of such culture (for example, art, music, history, language). Alternatively, these courses might aim to help students develop skills of cross-cultural comparison and analysis. A third option is courses that explore topics that are inherently cross-cultural such as international relations or the processes of economic globalization.

Whatever the approach, these courses all aim to help students develop the openness and critical perspective necessary for cross-cultural understanding. Although themes of privilege and oppression are centrally relevant to the history and current experience of many cultures, such themes are not required to be addressed in cross-cultural awareness courses.

Educational goals/outcomes

Students will:

1. Gain a working familiarity with one or more peoples of the world, leading to a deeper understanding of cultures and societies outside the United States. .

2. Develop and demonstrate analytic skills as well as specific cultural knowledge by undertaking at least one of the following:

A. An in-depth examination of one culture, including how past or present local conditions and resources inspire distinctive cultural responses; or a survey and analysis of selected cultural expressions (such as art, music, history, and/or language) of one or more world cultures.

B. A comparative study of two or more diverse cultures;

C. An exploration of an inherently cross-cultural topic, such as international relations or the processes of globalization so long as the majority the class’s attention is given to this topic as it exists outside of the United States.

Student’s Response GE Questions for Substitution of GE Requirements

*(after you respond obtain instructor confirmation supporting your answers)

1. Which of the above approaches to addressing the CC GE does this course offer?

2. Please identfy the assignments that will allow you to assess these analytic skills and specific cultural knowledge.  If it is not readily apprarent how these assignments will allow you to assess students' abilities, please provide a brief explanation. Please do not refer reviewers to the syllabus.

3. Please describe how the student's satisfaction of the educational objective for the GE requirement will be assessed.