Excellence in Teaching Awards - Previous Winners
The Excellence in Teaching Award is sponsored by the Academic Senate's Committee on Teaching. The awards, based on student nominations, recognize UCSC's exceptional educators of undergraduate and graduate students. Below are the previous Excellence in Teaching award recipients.
Award Recipients
- Caitlin Binder, Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Guido Bordignon, Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology, Ron Ruby Recipient
- Saskias Casanova, Psychology
- Lindsay Knisely, Writing Program
- Aida Mukharesh, Sociology
- Kailani Polzak, History of Art and Visual Culture
- Andrew Quinn, Computer Science and Engineering
- Emily Schach, Anthropology
- micha cárdenas, Arts, Games and Playable Media
- David Draper, Statistics
- Elena Finkbeiner, Coastal Science and Policy
- Kyle Robertson, Philosophy
- Brenda Sanfilippo, Writing Program
- Gina Ulysse, Feminist Studies
- Peter Weiss, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ron Ruby Award Recipient
- Daniel Wirls, Politics
- Elizabeth Beaumont, Politics
- David Bernick, Biomolecular Engineering
- Nandini Bhattacharya, Mathematics, Ron Ruby Award Recipient
- Audun Dahl, Psychology
- Alegra Eroy-Reveles, Chemistry
- Michael Hance, Physics
- David Inglemen, Anthropology
- Philip Longo, Writing Program
- Ana Maria Seara, Languages and Applied Linguistics
- Donald Williams, Theater Arts
- Nathan Altice, Computational Media
- Peter Alvaro, Computer Science and Engineering
- Javier Fernández Agüera, Languages and Applied Linguistics
- Megan McNamara, Sociology
- Russell Rodriguez, Music
- Savannah Shange, Anthropology and Critical Race and Ethnic Studies
- Bakthan Singaram, Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Amanda Smith, Literature
- Noriko Aso, History
- Nathaniel Berman, Music
- Rebecca Covarrubias, Psychology
- Robin Dunkin, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Sean Keilen, Literatures
- Adam Millard-Ball, Environmental Studies
- Shelley Stamp, Film and Digitial Media
- David Harrison, Computer Science
- Melissa Jurica, Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology
- Albert Narath, History of Art and Visual Culture
- Carine Rohmer, Language & Applied Linguistics
- David Smith, Physics
- Veronica Tonay, Psychology
- Subhas Desa, Technology Management
- Andrew Fisher, Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Baldo Marinovic, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Leta Miller, Music
- Ruth Murray-Clay, Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Kiva Silver, Writing Program
- John Tamkun, Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology
- Caitlin Binder, Chemistry
- Dean Mathiowetz, Politics
- Douglas Bonett, Psychology
- Faye Crosby, Psychology
- Glenn Millhauser, Chemistry
- Matthew Lasar, History
- Melissa Sanders-Self, Literature
- Richard Mitchell, Mathematics
- Tracy Larrabee, Computer Engineering
- Grace Pena Delgado, History
- Cormac Flanagan, Computer Science
- Craig Haney, Psychology
- Christine Hong, Literature
- Irene Lusztig, Film and Digital Media
- Mark Massoud, Politics
- Ralph Quinn, Psychology
- Adriane Steinacker, Astronomy
- David Anthony, History
- Rebecca Braslau, Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Kim Cardilla, Psychology
- Michael Chemers, Theater Arts
- Alan Christy, History
- Martha Zuniga, Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology
- Jody Greene, Literature (2001-02)
- Frank Bauerle, Mathematics (2000—01)
- Raoul Birnbaum, History of Art and Visual Culture
- Vilashini Cooppan, Literature
- Shelly Grabe, Psychology
- Lindsay Knisely, Oakes College
- Stefano Profumo, Physics
- Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz, Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Susan Strome, Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology
- Lora Bartlett, Education
- Nandini Bhattacharya, Mathematics
- Gabriel Elkaim, Computer Engineering
- Andrew Fisher, Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Deborah Gould, Sociology
- Paul Nauert, Music (1997-98)
- Steven Ritz, Physics
- Bakthan Singaram, Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Ben Leeds Carson, Music
- Flora Lu, Latin American & Latino Studies
- Randa Roland, Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Andrea Steiner, Community Studies
- Robert J. Shepherd, Economics
- Cyrus Bazeghi, Computer Engineering
- Jennifer A. Gonzalez, History of Art and Visual Culture
- Gey-Hong Gweon, Physics
- Richard Mitchell, Mathematics
- Catherine Ramirez, American Studies
- Susan Watrous, Rachel Carson College
- Bettina Aptheker, Feminist Studies (1996-97)
- Robin King, Writing Program
- Herbie Lee, Applied Mathematics & Statistics
- Pete Raimondi, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Alice Yang, History
- Tandy Beal, Theater Arts
- Walter Campbell, Language Program
- Pascale Garaud, Applied Mathematics & Statistics
- Wesley Mackey, Computer Science
- Daniel R. Palleros, Chemistry
- Jennifer Parker, Art
- George Brown, Physics
- David Draper, Applied Mathematics & Statistics
- Bruce Lyon, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Mara Mather, Psychology
- Brad Olsen, Education
- Adriane Steinacker, Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Andrew Szasz, Sociology
- Martin Berger, History of Art and Visual Culture
- Ruth Hoffman, College Nine
- John Isbister, Economics (2005-06)
- Dean Mathiowetz, Politics
- Ken Pedrotti, Electrical Engineering
- Hilde Schwartz, Earth Sciences
- Ana Maria Seara, Languages
- Radhika Mongia, Women's Studies
- Jerome Neu, Humanities
- Paul Ortiz, Community Studies
- Grant Pogson, EE-Biology
- Julie Tannenbaum, Philosophy
- Susana Terrell, Art
- Manuel Ares, Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology
- Gildas Hamel, Languages
- Kevin Karplus, Biomolecular Engineering
- Jennifer Keller, Science Communication
- Peter Kenez, History
- Anatole Leikin, Music
- Anthony Pratkanis, Psychology
- Peter Young, Physics
- Margaret Brose, Literature
- Ann Caudle, Science Communication
- Nancy N. Chen, Anthropology
- Sandra Chung, Linguistics and Philosophy
- E. Melanie DuPuis, Sociology
- Lori G. Kletzer, Economics
- Marc Mangel, Applied Math and Statistics
- Wendy Martyna, Sociology
- Bruce A. Schumm, Physics
- Eugene Switkes, Chemistry
- Kathy Anderson, Education
- Robert Boltje, Mathematics
- John Patrick Lynch, Literature
- James McCloskey, Linguistics
- Glenn L. Millhauser, Chemistry/Biochemistry
- Ingrid M. Parker, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Don Rothman, Writing
- Wendy Rothwell, Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology
- Paul Skenazy, Literature
- Bruce Thompson, History
- Anthony J. Tromba, Mathematics
- Brent "Brando" Wexler, Languages
- Adrienne L. Zihlman, Anthropology
- Jody Greene, Literature (2013-14)
- Robert J. Shepherd, Economics (2010-11)
- Frank Andrews, Chemistry
- Jeremy Elkins, Legal Studies
- Dana Frank, American Studies
- Frank Galuszka, Art
- Conn M. Hallinan, Writing
- Jorge Hankamer, Linguistics
- Charlie McDowell, Computer Science
- Daniel Palleros, Chemistry
- Michael Urban, Politics
- Karen Tei Yamashita, Literature
- Frank Bauerle, Mathematics (2013-14)
- Murray Baumgarten, Literature
- John Borrego, Community Studies
- Linda Burman-Hall, Music
- Geoffrey Dunn, Community Studies
- Diane Gifford-Gonzalez, Anthropology
- Stephen Gliessman, Environmental Studies
- Craig Haney, Psychology
- Robert Kuhn, Biology
- Justin Revenaugh, Earth Sciences
- Barbara Rogoff, Psychology
- David Sweet, History
- Daniel Wirls, Politics
- Judith Aissen, Linguistics
- Margarita Azmitia, Psychology
- George Brown, Physics
- Jacqueline Brown, Anthropology
- Giulia Centineo, Italian
- Brent Haddad, Environmental Studies
- Bruce Levine, History
- Barry McLaughlin, Psychology
- Nicole Paiement, Music
- Sarah Rabkin, Writing
- Judy Yung, American Studies
- Paul Nauert, Music (2011-12)
- John Isbister, Economics (2005-06)
- Michael Dalbey, Biology
- Russell Flegal, Environmental Toxicology & Earth Sciences
- David Hoy, Philosophy
- Gary Miles, History
- Cynthia Polecritti, History
- Paul Rangell, Art
- Zack Schlesinger, Physics
- Helen Shapiro, Sociology
- Shelley Stamp, Film and Video
- Bettina Aptheker, Feminist Studies (2008-09)
- Henry Benshoff, Film and Video
- Wendy Brown, Women's Studies
- Donna Haraway, History of Consciousness
- Jacqueline Ku, Chinese Language
- Ann Lane, American Studies
- Andrei S. Markovits, Politics
- John Pearse, Emeritus in Biology