2024 Faculty Research Lecture
The 57th Annual Faculty Research Lecture was given by by Professor Gina Athena Ulysse, Feminist Studies.
Event Flyer | Program
The Whole Time...
A Redwoods Rasanblaj Epic Poem
on 7 Pwen
Inspired by Sinéad O'Connor and 11th Hour’s caffeine chronicles, this epic stream of consciousness ethnographic poem meditates on origins, a theory of everything, the dark arts, shadow work in the upside down of arboreal classrooms in these redwoods on Indigenous Land of the so-called holy cross…
Lacing ancestral chants, cosmos spaciousness, history with misfit tales, this non psychedelic surrealist journey explores the contours of linear and all-around time in search of aliveness on scorched earth while ruminating on the impossibility of all sentient beings everywhere experiencing peace among the plantocracy with their disdain for brilliance where praxis is a floating signifier and our humanity is routinely questioned.