Types of CCI Petitions

The following types of petitions can be submitted for CCI review through the CCI Student Petition Request Form. All petitions require the following documentation:

  1. UCSC Courses Student Advising Summary
  2. Student Justification Statement

Below each petition type description is a list of additional documentation required for each petition in order to be reviewed by CCI. For a quick breakdown of required documentation for reach petition, please review the Table of Required Documents for CCI Student Petition Requests. For each petition type, CCI will determine if the student qualifies for an exception.

Substitution of GE Requirements

Students may submit a petition to substitute a general education (GE) requirement with another course. Students must respond to the questions related to the general education request, which can be found in the General Education Requirements Table (please note, the required  Student's Response GE Questions can be found by clicking the pertinent GE category and scrolling to the bottom of the page). An email exchange or a letter signed by your instructor, confirming the accuracy of your statements, explaining the reason this substitution is valid,  is sufficient for this requirement. A pdf of your instructor’s confirmation can be attached to your petition. The Senate recommends students submit these appeals in their senior year due to circumstances beyond the student’s control (enrollment issues, family emergency, mental health or physical health issues with documentation). CCI strongly encourages students to obtain instructor support and provide documentation of an email reaching out to the instructor.  

Courses Taken Elsewhere: For courses taken at another institution, Admissions will apply the GE designation to the course if it meets the requirements and guidelines developed by the Committee on Educational Policy (CEP) in 2010.  Students who are denied by Admissions must include a syllabus of the course, and if possible, have the instructor answer the questions related to the GE you are requesting.
Catalog Year Change: If you are petitioning for a GE substitution based on an earlier UCSC catalog year, please review the CEP Guidelines on Catalog Rights and please note the GE type as Other. 

Other Documents Required

  • Instructor Support & Student's Response GE Questions
  • Documentation of Extenuating Circumstances (not required for courses taken elsewhere)
  • Course Syllabus
  • Admissions Transfer Credit Report (if applicable)

For general education substitutions prior to 2010, please refer to the Senate Manual: 10.2.2 General Education Requirements for Students Entering before Fall Quarter 2010.

Late Add

Students may add a course if an attempt has been made in AIS, financial aid holds or change of status to part-time, with the instructor’s verification of participation. These are always approved for the default grading option unless a prior agreement with the instructor was agreed upon before the deadline. The course class number is required and cannot be approved if missing.

A late add is only possible when a student is already active and enrolled in the term and the student has no enrollment holds, the student is not discontinued or cancelled as no-show, and has a greater than zero enrollment. CCI will determine if the student qualifies for an exception. The five digit class number is required and  Late Add petitions cannot be approved if missing. For independent study courses you must contact the instructor to request the class number.

Other Documents Required

  • Instructor Verification of Participation in Course

Late Drop

Students may request a late drop if an attempt has been made in AIS, financial aid holds, or change of status to part-time. Instructor verification of non-participation is required.

The course class number is required and cannot be approved if missing. A late drop is only possible when a student is already active and enrolled in the term, has no enrollment holds and is not discontinued or canceled. CCI will determine if the student qualifies for an exception.

Other Documents Required

  • Instructor Verification of Non-Participation in Course

Withdrawal Grade

Per CEP guidelines, students have until the sixth week of instruction to withdraw from a course. Such a withdrawal will not need approval from anyone, and will be recorded on the student's transcript as a W. After the end of the sixth week and until the end of the ninth week of instruction, a student may choose a NP grade in the course if they are in good academic standing. After choosing a NP grade, the student will be immediately eligible to enroll in the same course for the next term (unless they are ineligible because of some other reason such as repeated failing grades).

Students may petition their college advising office to withdraw from a class past the six week deadline due to exceptional circumstances which can include: medical issues, life trauma, or emotional distress issues. This request may be made until the end of the following quarter (for example, a request for a retroactive W in a winter quarter class must be made before the end of the spring quarter) and will require confirmation from the instructor that the student did not complete the course (e.g. final not taken).

After a full quarter has passed, students may petition CCI. As only an instructor can change the grade, these are treated as a change in enrollment status.  CCI will determine if the student qualifies for an exception.

Other Documents Required

  • Documentation of Extenuating Circumstances
  • Instructor Verification of Non-Completion of Course

Grade Option Changes

Grade option change petitions are closely examined by CCI to ensure fairness and avoid grade and grade point average manipulation. Consequently, students should submit grade option change petitions within one quarter of taking the course being petitioned for. Each request is reviewed based on the following guidelines, but the committee will always determine if the circumstances warrant the granting of a petition request. 


Pass/No Pass to Graded

Please review CEP's Policy on Grade Option Changes. With these changes, CCI will not entertain such requests for grade option changes in undergraduate courses except in exceptional circumstances not foreseen in this policy.

In such exceptional circumstances, CCI’s decision will follow based on when the petition is submitted:

  • For requests submitted before the last day of instruction, the student will receive the grade recorded by the instructor if their request is approved before grades are posted.
  • For requests submitted after the last day of instruction, the student will receive either a C as an equivalent to a Pass or an F as an equivalent to a No Pass, depending on their final posted grade (either Pass or No Pass).CCI does not grant exceptions to this deadline.

Other Documents Required

  • Instructor Support of Grade Change Option for Exceptional Cases (P/NP to Graded)


Graded to Pass/No Pass

Students may request a change from Graded to P/NP in cases of exceptional circumstances which can include: medical issues, life trauma, or emotional distress issues. Students may submit a petition request for graded to P/NP if they have completed the final for a course and the course is therefore not eligible for a Withdrawal grade request.

To ensure fairness and prevent grade and grade point average manipulation, only cases in which the student can provide documented exceptional circumstances will be considered. CCI will determine if the student qualifies for an exception.

Other Documents Required

  • Documentation of Extenuating Circumstances (Graded to P/NP)


Grade Change

Only instructors can initiate a change of grade for students due to clerical error, limited to one year; after one year these must come to CCI for approval and include the instructor initiated change of grade form with your petition request. Any other grade changes must follow the grade grievance process. For more details on this process, please see Senate Manual: Appendix C

Other Documents Required

Writing Requirement Extension

Students who require an extension due to extenuating circumstances may appeal for the extension, normally, one quarter. A recommendation from the Writing Program is required.

Other Documents Required

  • Recommendation from the Writing Program

Transfer or Duplicate Credit Exceptions

For lower division courses taken at other institutions where transfer credit is denied, students may petition for credit and must include a syllabus for the course as well as the UCSC course cited for denial; preventing transfer credit. CCI will determine if the student qualifies for transfer or duplicate credit.

Other Documents Required

  • Course Syllabus from Other Institution
  • Course Syllabus from UCSC Course

Senior Residency Requirement

A student may petition for a waiver of the Senior Residency requirement in cases where they are covered by SCR 10.1.3.D.2 and have completed only 10 credits in residence after returning from the programs enumerated in this policy, or in compelling situations.

Disciplinary Communication (DC) Substitution

If a student is petitioning for substitution of the Disciplinary Communication requirements, they should first consult with their department adviser, and attach a completed Department Authorization for DC Requirements Form, which requires departmental approval, along with the petition request.

Other Documents Required


 Catalog Year Change

 If you are petitioning for a change of Catalog Year please review the CEP Guidelines on Catalog RightsPlease contact your college advisor for Catalog Year Changes.


Petition Options Sponsored by Other Campus Offices

Other types of petitions fall under the purview of the Registrar’s Office, Academic Advisor’s Office, or Departments. Students should contact the appropriate office to proceed with these types of petition.