3. Crown College Bylaws
Crown College is an academic and residential unit. As an academic unit, the College is responsible for providing its students with academic advising, setting and administering College requirements for graduation, providing course offerings where necessary in support of College requirements, administering minimum scholarship requirements, and sponsoring individual inter-disciplinary major programs. More generally the mission of the college is to support the academic aspirations of Crown students and the associated teaching, service and research missions of Crown fellows.
Chapter 1. Fellows
1.1 Senate Fellows.
1.1.1 Fellows of the College who are members of the Academic Senate compose the senate faculty of the College (senate fellows) and form a committee of the Santa Cruz Division of the Academic Senate in accordance with SCB 12.1.
1.1.2 Senate fellows of the College may only lose that status by separation from UCSC or resignation from the college.
1.1.3 Senate fellows of the College may vote on all College matters.
1.1.4 The provost is a senate fellow.
1.1.5 Prospective senate fellows are elected by a vote of the Executive Committee senate fellows.
1.2 Faculty Fellows.
1.2.1 Individuals holding non-Senate teaching appointments with Crown College are faculty fellows of the College.
1.2.2 Faculty fellows may vote on all non-Senate matters.
1.3 Staff Fellows.
1.3.1 The College Administrative Officer (CAO), the Associate College Administrative Officer (ACAO), and college professional staff that report to the ACAO or provost are staff fellows for the duration of their appointments.
1.3.2 In cases not covered by the preceding, determination of status is made by the provost in consultation with the executive committee.
1.3.3 Staff fellows may vote on all non-Senate College matters. 1.4 Associate Fellows.
1.4.1 At the discretion of the provost, any person contributing to the mission of Crown College may be designated as an associate fellow by the provost on approval of the executive committee.
1.4.2 Associate fellows are not eligible to vote on College matters.
Chapter 2. Officers
2.1 Provost.
2.1.1 The provost is the chief academic officer of the College. They normally preside over meetings of the fellows of the College. (EC 31 Aug 16)
2.1.2 The primary duties of the provost include the following:
A. Provide leadership and vision for the development of the college.
B. Develop and supervise the academic curriculum and degree requirements.
C. Manage the College academic budget and discretionary funds from endowments and gifts with the advice of the executive committee.
D. Supervise and assist in the recruitment of college academic staff.
E. Recruit fellows and faculty.
F. Work with the college advising and residential life staff to conduct and improve student advising, mentorship, orientation, and co-curricular activities.
G. Develop and administer programs for student awards, grants, and honors in conjunction with academic staff and the executive committee.
H. Provide guidance to student groups.
I. Work with the college staff to develop the commencement program and preside at graduation.
J. Undertake such responsibilities as delegated by the Divisional Senate.
2.1.3 The provost is selected by the campus administration.
2.2 Chair of the Faculty.
2.2.1 The Chair of the faculty is a senate fellow of the college.
2.2.2 The provost may not serve as Chair of the faculty.
2.2.3 The Chair of the faculty is elected bi-annually by and from among the executive committee Senate fellows.
2.3.4 The Chair’s term is two years beginning September 1.
2.2.5 Should the office become vacant prior to completion of the term, the executive committee appoints one of its members to complete the term of office. 2.3 College Administrative Officer and Associate College Administrative Officer. The College Administrative Officer (CAO) and Associate College Administrative Officer (ACAO) oversee the non-academic administration of the College.
2.4 Academic Staff.
2.4.1 As supervised by the provost, the academic preceptors and advisors are responsible for College academic advising.
2.4.2 The academic staff assists the provost in all matters concerning the academic role of the college and related co-curricular endeavors.
2.4.3 The senior preceptor supports meetings of the College academic standing committee, which reviews the academic records of students, identifies students subject to disqualification and students eligible for College Honors, and recommends appropriate action to the provost. The Preceptors consult regularly and fully with this committee.
Chapter 3. Committees
3.1 Executive Committee.
3.1.1 The executive committee of the fellows shall consist of at least six Senate and faculty fellows (four of which must be senate fellows) a staff fellow appointed by the provost, and one student appointed by the Crown Student Senate, and (ex-officio) the provost.
3.1.2 The senate and faculty fellow members of the executive committee are elected by the senate and faculty fellows, as indicated in Chapter 4 below. Elected members shall serve four-year staggered terms with three members of the committee elected every two years.
3.1.3 At the request of the provost or by vote of the executive committee the Chair of the faculty may chair the meetings of the executive committee in place of the provost.
3.1.4 A quorum of the executive committee shall consist of three senate and faculty fellows.
3.1.5 Within the executive committee, only senate fellows may vote on Academic Senate matters and a quorum for Academic Senate matters consists of 2 senate fellows.
3.1.6 The executive committee shall consult regularly and fully with the provost and shall advise the provost on the administration of the college. The executive committee shall recommend such legislation to the fellows as it considers appropriate. (EC 31 Aug 16)
3.2 Academic Standing Committee.
3.2.1 The academic standing committee shall consist of a minimum of three senate fellows appointed by the executive committee after consultation with the provost.
3.2.2 The committee shall consult regularly and fully with the academic preceptor(s) and advisor(s) who staff the committee. 3.2.3 The academic standing committee shall recommend to the provost appropriate action for students of the college subject to academic disqualification. It shall recommend to the registrar which students are to receive honors.
3.2.4 The academic standing committee is appointed in the fall quarter for a one year term.
Chapter 4. Elections
4.1 All Elections may take place by electronic mail.
4.2 Nomination of Fellows.
4.2.1 Any fellow of the college may nominate prospective fellows to the executive committee. 4.3 Election of the Executive Committee.
4.3.1 Fellows of the College may be nominated for membership on the executive committee by the provost or by any senate or faculty fellow. 4.3.2 The Chair shall call for nominations of the Executive Committee from the Senate and Faculty fellows. Nominations must be received within two weeks of the call.
4.3.3 The provost confirms the nominees’ willingness to serve and conducts the election.
4.3.4 Only senate and faculty fellows may vote.
4.3.5 In the event that the number of nominations equals or is less than the number of places to be filled, no election is held, and the provost declares the nominees elected.
4.3.6 When a member of the executive committee cannot complete their term, a replacement to complete the term shall be selected by the executive committee in consultation with the provost. (EC 31 Aug 16)
4.4 Appointment of Members of the Academic Standing Committee.
4.4.1 Fellows of the College may be nominated for membership on the academic standing committee by the provost or by any senate fellow.
4.4.2 The provost confirms the nominees’ willingness to serve and the committee is appointed by a vote of the Executive Committee.
Chapter 5. Meetings
5.1 Meetings of the Fellows.
5.1.1 The Provost or the Executive Committee may call a meeting of the fellows.
5.1.2 The lesser of ten fellows or one-third of the senate and faculty fellows of the College constitutes a quorum.
5.1.3 The provost normally presides at meetings of the fellows. However, by vote of the senate and faculty fellows present or by request of the provost, the Chair of the faculty may preside.
5.1.4 Only members of the senate fellowship may vote on Academic Senate matters, in accordance with SCB 12.2. The presiding officer determines whether or not the matter being voted on constitutes Academic Senate business.
5.1.5 The lesser of ten senate fellows or one-third of the senate fellows of the College constitutes a quorum when considering Academic Senate business.
5.2 Special Meetings of the Fellows.
5.2.1 At the written request of ten fellows, the executive committee must call a meeting of the fellows within one week.
5.2.2 At such meetings, the Chair of the faculty or the Chair’s designee presides.
Chapter 6. Amendment
6.1 These bylaws may be changed in whole or in part upon the approval of at least two thirds of a quorum of senate and faculty fellows voting on the matter (but in no case fewer than 10). Proposed amendment must be communicated via electronic mail to all faculty fellows at least five business days before the vote takes place. No vote on a proposed change shall be permitted except on a day of regular academic business during the fall, winter and spring quarters.