February 18 2004 Agenda
Meeting Call for Regular Meeting of the Santa Cruz Division
February 18, 2004 at 2:30 p.m.
Kresge Town Hall
1. Approval of Draft Minutes
a. Draft Minutes of October 24, 2003 (AS/SCM/272; attached, p. 1)
2. Announcements
a. Chair Galloway
b. Chancellor Greenwood
c. Interim Campus Provost/EVC Chemers
3. Report of the Representative to the Assembly (none )
4. Special Orders: Annual Reports
a. Committee on Planning and Budget (AS/SCP/1406; attached, p. 11)
b. Committee on Research (AS/SCP/1407; attached, p. 23)
5. Reports of Special Committees
a. Special Committee on Non-Senate Teaching Faculty (AS/SCP/1409; attached, p. 26)
6. Reports of Standing Committees
a. Committee on Planning and Budget (AS/SCP/1408, attached, p. 33)
7. Report of the Student Union Assembly Chair
8. Report of the Graduate Student Association President
9. Petitions of Students
10. Unfinished Business
11. University and Faculty Welfare
12. New Business