Furlough and Pay Cuts
2009-10 Furlough/Pay Cut
Pitts to Blumenthal, November 6, 2009 re: Academic Calendar and Instructional Days
Robinson to Blumenthal, October 29, 2009 re: Legal Effect of Resolutions of UCSC Academic Senate
Pitts Open Letter to Faculty, September 10, 2009
Senate Executive Cte on Interim Provost Pitts' Furlough Plan - August 27, 2009
Pitts on Furlough Implementation - August 21, 2009
Academic Council on Furlough Implementation to Interim Provost Lawrence Pitts - August 5, 2009
Senate Executive Cte Furlough Implementation Recommendation - July 17, 2009
UCOP Proposed Furlough/Salary Reduction Plan Options - June 17, 2009
Senate Chair Comment - Furlough/Pay Cut Proposal - June 19, 2009
CPB Response - Furlough/Pay Cut Proposal - June 19, 2009
EVC Response - Informational Request May 20, 2009 Senate Meeting