Current news from the Academic Senate
UC Santa Cruz
Fall 2022

VOL. 2 – ISSUE 1

Academic Senate

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University sign and Senate logo

Dear Colleagues,


I want to first point you to the guidance from the Committees on Educational Policy and Courses of Instruction regarding the end of fall quarter. The December 1, 2022 memo responded to the SUA’s demands made at the November 30, 2022 Senate meeting, and addresses the prospect of extending the Incomplete deadline, changing grade options, and final examinations. The SUA expressed their thanks for CEP’s timely response, and the GSA responded to this communication. We value their perspectives as we work through these uncharted circumstances. The December 2, 2022 memo was sent to all instructors and addresses guidance for adapting final examinations, the timing of grade submission and submission of final grades, and the impacts of struck labor.


The feedback we heard at (and after) the November 30 Senate meeting from both students and colleague faculty has proved invaluable in the development of these documents. I’m grateful to Chairs Cuthbert and Harrison for trying to incorporate as many perspectives as possible, while abiding by systemwide and campus Senate Bylaws governing educational policy.   I’m also deeply grateful to everyone from across campus who worked on this document, particularly the members of CEP, and to the many administrative staff who have worked tirelessly to mitigate the impact of the strike on our students.


The Senate has heard passionate advocacy from many voices and viewpoints.  The distinct (and often colliding) perspectives are indicative of the urgent needs of the many groups affected by the systemwide strike. The process of thinking through this together, and, more specifically, of hearing each other, has been deeply complex.  What emerges from the cacophony, however, is our shared goal:  the fervent desire to do right by our students and by each other. A recurring theme from the Senate meeting was an urge toward compassion.  I hope that as we all struggle forward we hold that charge in mind.


Legislation and Resolution Voting: Electronic Ballot

I also want to remind all senators of the opportunity to vote on the Committee on Development and Fundraising charge change, the revision to Santa Cruz Regulation 6.1.2 - Enrollment in 19-22 units, and the resolution on the UAW Strike that were presented and discussed at the November 30, 2022 Academic Senate Meeting.


The ballot will close after December 15, 2022. Please use the voting form to cast your vote. All members of the UCSC Division of the Academic Senate are eligible to vote, and can contact with any questions.



Patty Gallagher

Chair, UC Santa Cruz Academic Senate


UAW strikers marching with picket signs
Visit the Issues section of the UCSC Senate's public website to view the responses to both systemwide and campus requests for Senate review in 2022-23.

Winter Campus Curtailment


Academic Senate Website

Information on upcoming Senate events, curricular and personnel policies, committee membership, and more can be found on our webpage.

UC Santa Cruz

Academic Senate Office

1156 High St.
Santa Cruz, CA 95064