Chapter 1. General

1.1 Academic Calendar. The Registrar, with the advice of the Committee on Educational Policy, prepares, in advance of each academic year, an academic calendar specifying the following dates for each term:

a. Date on and after which late registration fee is charged for filing registration packet and paying incidental fee.

b. Dates for filing of study lists; late fee is charged thereafter.

c. Last day for changing study lists without late fee.

d. Last day for adding a course.

e. Last day for dropping a course. (Am 19 Apr 72; EC 1 Sept 71)

f. Last day to file petition for change of college or of major field in order for change to be effective for the following quarter.

g. Days assigned for advanced registration and advising of continuing students for new quarter.
(CC 1 Aug 77, 28 Jan 81)

1.2 Exceptions to These Regulations for Part-Time Degree Programs. With the advice of the Committee on Rules, Jurisdiction, and Elections, and subject to the approval of the Academic Council as specified in SB 125B, proposals for part-time degree programs may be approved in exception to these Regulations by the committees whose jurisdiction is involved. The duration of any exception may be specified by the committees, but in no case may it be more than three years. The Santa Cruz Division shall be kept regularly informed by the Committee on Rules, Jurisdiction, and Elections of such proposals as are pending and as they are approved. (En 31 May 72; CC 4 Aug 87, 31 Aug 99; EC 1 Aug 77)