February 19, 2014 Agenda

Meeting Call for Regular Meeting of the Santa Cruz Division
Wednesday, February 19, at 2:30 p.m.
College Nine and Ten Multipurpose Room

(Click HERE for a single PDF version of the Agenda Call)

1. Approval of Draft Minutes

a. Draft Minutes of November 15, 2013 (AS/SCM/306)

2. Announcements          

a. Chair Konopelski  

b. Chancellor Blumenthal 

c. Campus Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor Galloway (not attending)

3. Report of the Representative to the Assembly (none)

4. Special Orders: Annual Reports


a. Committee on Academic Personnel (AS/SCP/1747)

5. Reports of Special Committees (none)

6. Reports of Standing Committees

a. Committee on Faculty Welfare 

i. Report: Update on Fauclty Salaries (AS/SCP/1748)

b. Committee on International Education

i. Amendment to Bylaw 13.22 (AS/SCP/1749)

c. Committee on Planning and Budget

i. Oral Report

a. Faculty Initiated Group Hire program 

b. Internationalization

c. Other Projects - Summer Session, Impaction, Silicon Valley

d. Committee on Research 

i. Oral Report on Composite Benefit Rate Proposal

7. Report of the Student Union Assembly Chair

8. Report of the Graduate Student Association President 

9. Petitions of Students (none)

10. Unfinished Business (none)

11. University and Faculty Welfare

12. New Business